On Monday 27 February, at the Hotel Vila Galé in Coimbra, a workshop on data management for detection, geolocation and monitoring of forest fires will take place. This workshop will consist in the presentation of results from several research projects on this subject, namely:

FireLoc – Where Is the Fire? Identification, Positioning and Monitoring of Forest Fires with Data Provided by Citizens

FoRESTER – Sensor Network Combined with Fire Propagation Modelling Integrated into a Decision Support System for Forest Fire Fighting

FirePuma – Forest Fire Prevention through Monitoring to Reduce Uncertainty

Floresta Limpa – Automatic and Participated Surveillance of Forest Fire Protection Zones

IMFire – Intelligent Fire Management

Firefront – Real-Time Mapping and Prediction of Wildfire Progression by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Eye in the Sky – Use of High Altitude Balloons for Decision Support in Firefighting Operations

After each session of presentations there will be a period for questions. In the final phase of the workshop, a Panel Discussion on “Integrating data for the detection, geolocation and monitoring of extreme events – potentials, limitations and risks” is planned.

Considering that this event may interest you, we invite you to attend this workshop in person or remotely. Registration is free (including coffee-break and lunch, for those present) but mandatory using the following LINK: https://forms.gle/aSvkTwXDHL6UQPPz9

You will find more information HERE

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