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The Framework
The potential of using unmanned aerial means in the management of forest fires, in their detection and monitoring phases, is widely recognized. However, several limitations to there use are pointed out, such as the interference with other firefighting aerial means flying at the same altitude range and the low endurance of these equipment with typical flight autonomy below 30 minutes. The proposed solution aims to make the most of unmanned aerial means in fire management, minimizing the aforementioned limitations.
The global solution will be available as a launch kit including a balloon launch tool (to maximize the field of action during the fire), as well as all the necessary material for launching the platform ( HAB + UAV + observation and/or communication payloads) and their placement at high altitude over the area of interest. This solution allows the operational platform to be deployed in a short period of time, so that communications and transmission of aerial images are promptly guaranteed.
Eye In.
The Sky.

The Eye in the Sky Project intends to complement other aerial solutions, such as the manned aircraft or cooperative drones, used in emergency situations. While the usual UAV-based solutions provide local and more detailed information of the monitored areas, the Eye in the Sky Project offers more extensive communications coverage and a wider general aerial view due to the higher altitude of operation.
When transported by the HAB, the flying wing UAV’s operational capacity increases due to the potential energy accumulated at high altitude. This solution will allow long-range flights without an engine or almost without power, converting altitude into land coverage.
Within the scope of this project, the payloads considered are used for image acquisition and communications repeater. Other monitoring applications, continental or oceanic, in the civil or military scope, can benefit from this HAB + UAV tool and the overview it offers. Its versatility allows this tool to support both the collection of scientific data and the ability to monitor disasters, contributing significantly to the increase in knowledge in the National Scientific and Technological System.
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