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partners & entities



The three basic pillars of the Eye in the Sky Project – Aerial image / Wildfire / Communication – are guaranteed by three entities widely recognized by their expertise in each of these matters – IDMEC / ADAI / IT –, respectively.


The Mechanical Engineering Institute (idMEC – Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica) was established in 1992 as a non-profit research institute and was granted the title of Public Useful Utility. The idMEC vision is to situate itself amongst the most renowned international mechanical engineering research centers in selected topics within energy, transport technologies and aeronautics.

Role in the project

idMEC is responsible for the technical and administrative coordination of the project. Besides, idMEC will lead the activities related to the aerial means, specifically the high-altitude balloon and the flying-wing drone, as well as image acquisition and processing, and will collaborate also in the communications related activities.


ADAI (Association for the Development of Industrial Aerodynamics) is a private non-profit organization, created in 1990 by a team of researchers from the Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Coimbra. The Center for Studies on Forest Fires is a branch of ADAI that develops and disseminates knowledge in the field of wildfires and wildland-urban interface fires, with special emphasis on fire behavior and fire safety.

Role in the project

ADAI coordinates activities directly related to fire, combining the other areas of expertise related to the project towards the core objectives for an effective application of results in the management of wildfires.


Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT) is a private, not-for-profit organization, of public interest, a partnership of nine institutions with research and development in the field of Telecommunications.

IT mission is to create and disseminate scientific knowledge in the field of telecommunications.

Role in the project

IT will be responsible for the activities related to the development of air and ground communications hardware and software. IT leads the communications development tasks, namely the implementation of aerial and terrestrial communications links for air-ground image and telemetry communications, as well as ground communications relay.