On September 6, 2022, the Eye in the Sky project participated in the Naval REX’22 – Naval Robotics Exercise 2022, at the Navy’s Operational Experimentation Center (CEOM) in Tróia. 

In this Technological Free Zone, and on board NRP Sines, it was possible to test and demonstrate the ability to launch a balloon onboard a vessel. The balloon carried a simple spherical payload acting as a probe, which was released remotely over the sea. 

This test allowed to test and demonstrate the ability to remotely release a payload from the balloon and to track its position in real-time at a control station, in this case at the NRP Sines. The released payload was then recovered and brought back to the NRP Sines. 

A special thanks to the Portuguese Navy, the Naval Academy and NRP Sines for the opportunity. 

Watch the video summary of the exercise below.

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