Within the scope of the Eye in the Sky project, a wildfire monitoring test was carried out in the context of the fire event that started in Conqueiros/Proença-a-Nova (Portugal) by 11:30 am on September 13th.

In this test, a balloon equipped with three cameras operating in the visible range was launched from Montalvão, in the municipality of Nisa, at 7 pm on 14 September. The balloon reached altitudes greater than 12km, covering the path shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Balloon trajectory (in blue ‘o', launch site‘⭑’, payload landing site ‘■’) and fire event region (outlined in green) that led to the burned area (in yellow) in Cunqueiros-Sobreira Formosa

This test had as main objective the test of image acquisition with several cameras operating in the visible range, during the night. The test did not produce satisfactory results, either because the balloon did not fly over the fire due to the limitation in the definition of the launch zone and the direction of the existing winds, or due to the disturbance caused by the smoke column and the excess of artificial lights existing in the captured area. Some of the acquired images can be seen in Figure 2, allowing us to notice the variation in luminosity along the way up.

Figure 2 – Some images acquired in the balloon launch on September 14th near Montalvão.

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