Final Workshop of the Eye in the Sky Project

cover EitS final workshop

On December 15, 2023, the Final Workshop of the Eye in the Sky Project took place at the Forest Fire Research Laboratory in Lousã. 

In addition to a presentation of the main achievements, a live demonstration of the Eye in the Sky solution was conducted. This demonstration involved the preparation of the balloon and its payload, consisting of an RGB camera. The balloon was launched, and the captured images were broadcasted live to monitors installed in the laboratory. Approximately 4 km from the launch site, a bonfire was ignited, duly captured in images that were transmitted to the mentioned monitors.

The event garnered significant attendance, and all participants expressed their interest and satisfaction with the project and the workshop itself. 

Below, you will find some photographs from the event. A video covering the various activities will be available in due course. 

Thanks to all participants.

Final workshop of the “Eye in the Sky” project

On the upcoming 15th of December, in the morning, the final workshop of the “Eye in the Sky” project will take place at the Laboratory for Forest Fire Studies (LEIF), located at the Lousã Aerodrome.

During this event, there will be a presentation of the project and its outcomes, followed by a demonstration session involving the balloon survey, image capture, transmission to a ground station, and verification of SIRESP signal reinforcement for communications.

To conclude, a snack lunch will be served, providing an opportunity to continue discussions among participants.

The event has a maximum capacity of 30 participants, who will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis.
The deadline for registration is December 12th, and you can register through the following form: 

  • Confirmation of registration will be sent via email at a later date.