Presentation of the Eye in the Sky Project in seminar

Eye In The Sky - Presentation of the Eye in the Sky Project in seminar

On the 27th of November 2019, the Eye in the Sky Project was presented by Alexandra Moutinho and Miguel Almeida at the meeting “Wildfires: Better management based on scientific evidence”, organized by the Portuguese Foundation for Science Technology (FCT), by the ForestWise- Collaborative Laboratory for Integrated Forest and Fire Management, and by the Agency for the Integrated Management of Rural Fires (AGIF), which took place in Algés.

The slides for the project presentation can be found here:

Video of the Project Presentation:

From 01h01m25s

Project Kick-off Meeting

Eye In The Sky - Kickoff meeting

On 22nd of January 2020 the Project kick-off meeting was held at Instituto Superior Técnico, in Lisbon. This meeting was attended by 10 elements of the three partners that compose the consortium. Several presentations were made followed by a discussion phase allowing the alignment of the project’s different perspectives and objectives, as well as the methodologies for the development of the planned tasks.