On December 6, 2020, an article was published in the Square Kilometer Array magazine, CONTACT, written by Domingos Barbosa and Miguel Bergano. This article explains the application of the technologies used by SKA, in the monitoring and fire-fighting in Portugal.

The work presented proposes the performance increase of data transmissions carried out through radio frequency channels, usually, applied in emergency communications by the rescue and security forces. The strategy for the development of this work is in line with the tasks carried out by SKA to guarantee the transmission of data from antennas installed in remote and difficult to access locations. The adequacy of the work to be carried out, with certain tasks of the SKA telescope, is aimed at promoting the efficiency of the transfer of information to all who fight the fire, applying Earth Observation techniques.

The communications system to be developed consists of the development of a repeater for voice communications, reception and transmission of telemetric data, commands and images.

The proposal manuscript is openly available online at the webpage (https://issuu.com/ska_telescope/docs/contact_-_issue_06).

[1] Domingos Barbosa, Miguel Bergano, “Monitoring wildfires in Portugal with SKA-related technology”, SKAO Magazine, Contact, Issue 6, December 2020, página 7. Available at: https://issuu.com/ska_telescope/docs/contact_-_issue_06

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