On September, 18 of 2022, an article authored by Diogo Silva and José Eduardo Silva [1], will be presented in a peer-reviewed international conference, namely the IAC-22 – 73rd International Astronautical Congress -Paris, France ( SYMPOSIUM E2 – Title: 50th STUDENT CONFERENCE, Part 1).
The article presents the development of an Earth observation system using a Raspberry PI as a data processing platform.
The detection component consists of a custom-made VHF quadrifilar helical antenna, a software-defined radio (SDR) USB Dongle and a Raspberry Pi (RPI).
The system aims to implement a daily meteorological service publishing in social networks the atmosphere status activity over Portugal and much of the Iberian Peninsula, North Africa and its Atlantic adjacent area.
The abstract is available online, published under an open-access license ( https://iafastro.directory/iac/paper/id/72201/summary/ ) and also available on this page.
[1] Diogo Silva, José Silva, “PINOAA: AN INDEPENDENT DAILY EARTH OBSERVATION SERVICE USING A RASPBERY-PI DATA PROCESSING PLATFORM “, 73rd International Astronautical Congress 2022 50th STUDENT CONFERENCE (E2) Student Conference – Part 1 (1)